Once you have logged into WebPA you will be presented with your own home page, showing all the assessments that are open for you to complete, as shown in the image below.
/images/studentguide/Student_guide_1.gif” width=”50%” align=”middle”>
The open assessments are the ones that you need to take. To take an assessment click on the button named “Take Assessment”, as shown in the image above. When you click this button you will be taken to the assessment page as shown in the image below.
/images/studentguide/Student_guide_2.gif” width=”50%” align=”middle”>
To complete the assessment you need to grade all the people on the who are listed on the left, this may or may not include yourself. The scale for the grading is numerical and an explanation is provided for each of the questions. Once you have completed all the questions you can submit the assessment via the “save marks” button at the bottom of the page.
You can also see all the assessments that you have been set by your tutors, including completed assessments. For the completed assessments you can see if you have submitted or not.
If your tutor has selected to provide you with feedback for an assessment you can access it from this page by clicking on the “view feedback” link next to the assessment, as shown in the image below.
/images/studentguide/Student_guide_3.gif” width=”50%” align=”middle”>
When viewing the feedback for your assessment, you will be shown a criteria where you have done well. The second criteria shown is one where you could provide improvement.
/images/studentguide/Student_guide_4.gif” width=”50%” align=”middle”>
To report any technical problems you can use the “contact us” form via the pink box on the left hand of each page in WebPA.
To learn more about Peer Assessment and why it is being used for your module please ask your tutor for a more detailed guide to WebPA and peer assessment.